Tags: retail*

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  1. Whilst some level of basket abandonment is to be expected, a proportion of these failed transactions are avoidable and can be alleviated by intelligent use of content at the point of conversion.
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  2. One of the biggest differences between the e-commerce customer experience and that of traditional, brick-and-mortar retail is that with e-commerce you don't just walk out of the store with your purchase, you must wait to have it delivered.
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  3. Almost every retailer out there will tell you they need to be more innovative, and that this is hard. Retail has long been an industry focused on buying low, selling high, and optimizing everything in between. Shifting to meet an expectation of providing content, services, experience, engagement and more – this is a big shift, and not easily accomplished. Some retailers – vertically integrated brands, or those with private label merchandise – might be good at product innovation, but that is a far cry from process innovation – and that is a large part of what retailers need right now, as they try to make the shift to be more relevant to consumers.
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  4. I don’t think anyone will argue with the idea that customer expectations are changing fast and that it is very difficult for retailers to keep up. But the problem is not limited to retail, as pretty much anyone serving consumers finds themselves in this expectation loop. If a consumer has a great experience with a banking app, for example, all of a sudden he expects every retailer to offer something similar in terms of a digital wallet.
    Tags: , , by tjeerdtraats (2018-06-22)
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  5. Trader Joe’s ranked first among multichannel retailers in Forrester Research’s 2018 U.S. Customer Experience Index.

    Based on a survey of more than 110,000 U.S. adults, the Forrester CX Index aims to measure and rank how well a brand’s customer experience strengthens shopper loyalty. The Cambridge, Mass.-based research firm benchmarked the customer experience quality at 287 U.S. brands, including 42 leading multichannel retailers.
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  6. Customer experience personalization is powerful stuff. It can transform a generic customer interaction into one that will leave the customer engaged and enthused about doing business with your company again. There are two reasons that a personalized customer experience is so powerful: practicality­–the empirical value to the customer of having an experience tailored to who they are and what they’re looking for–and psychology: the warm feeling that flows over a customer when they are properly recognized and catered to as an individual, rather than as part of the teeming mass of consumers.
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  7. VANCOUVER, British Columbia, June 04, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- A panel of ecommerce experts will discuss how retailers can increase revenue and brand loyalty by putting customer experience at the center of their holiday strategy with a live webcast hosted by Mobify and Qubit. "Customer Experience Panel: How to Maximize Your 2018 Black Friday Revenue" will be held Thurs., June 14, 2018, at 11:30am ET/4:30pm BST. Attendees can register here and submit questions live or in advance.
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  8. The ecommerce industry has experienced a tremendous amount of growth in the past decade. Having jumped from 3.5% of all retail sales in 2008 to nearly 11.9% in 2018, this growth – in combination with a (still) relatively low market share – represents a huge opportunity for more innovative ecommerce companies looking to overtake their traditional counterparts.

    However, in order to latch on to the ‘growth train’, these same ecommerce companies (and therefore, ecommerce managers) are going to have to put their best foot forward. In other words, they’ll need to be sure that they are providing a first-rate online customer experience. And the best way to do this is to start listening to the voice of the customer. After all, your customers can be your best resource in terms of understanding what you’re doing wrong (or right!) on your website or mobile app. So allow me to introduce you to online feedback…
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  9. James Geller, retail solutions director at Oracle, looks at explanations for the existence of the customer experience gap and how to close it.

    The good news is that more and more retailers are starting to understand they need to focus on customer experience.

    People buy into brands that have stories to tell and something that makes them stand out.

    The bad news is that retailers often have to focus on sales, KPIs and maximising shareholder value, which in turn drives some interesting decisions and potentially creates a customer experience gap.

    Why does the gap exist? There are four key reasons.
    Tags: , , , by tjeerdtraats (2018-05-17)
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  10. The relationship between retailers and technology is the perfect definition of ‘frenemy’. While high street retailers are struggling to attract a dwindling amount of footfall into their stores – we won’t list again here the recent high street casualties – down to competition from online rivals (sometimes their own), technology conversely could be the savior for physical shops for those retailers able to work out how to use it to stay relevant.
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