Tags: retail*

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  1. For decades, the retail industry stood strong. Retailers emerged fairly unscathed during the first wave of the internet in the ’90s because consumers still by and large chose to shop in physical stores staffed with employees that strived to provide customer service. So, it was business as usual with a small number of wary execs cautiously eyeing the growing shift toward ecommerce.
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  2. A trio of industry experts who will be adding their voices to the upcoming CAFA Fashion & Retail Forum explain how artificial intelligence, the mobile marketplace and experiential shopping are poised to revolutionize the way we consume
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  3. Expresso Fashion and Claudia Sträter are two well-known Dutch fashion brands with stores in the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany. Alongside their more traditional, brick-and-mortar shops, these labels are also sold online. This omni-channel strategy makes it possible for these two webshops to not only serve as sales channels but also platforms for inspiration. Visitors can get their inspiration online and then choose to do their shopping in the webshop or in-store. In other words, their online services are critical to the success of both on- and offline channels.

    Let’s take a look at how they’ve experienced the Mopinion software thus far…
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  4. Improving the customer experience has become a key focus of all astute retailers. For providers of convenience services, much of the focus rests on integrating frictionless point-of-sale payment. Hence, one of the best-attended educational sessions at the recent National Automatic Merchandising Association show at the Las Vegas Convention Center focused on how payment technology innovations — namely mobile payments — are impacting customer expectations.
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  5. Getting fitted for a suit or purchasing clothes to one's preference are known to be best done in person. But a growing number of innovative retailers are finding ways to recreate these experiences online. These retailers use data to deliver personalization in a meaningful way. They are also not focused only on the purchase, but also on customer satisfaction after the purchase.
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  6. We are delighted to share that the world’s largest sporting goods retailer, Decathlon, is now using Mopinion’s feedback analytics software. Decathlon hit the ground running with their new online feedback programme in the summer of 2017 with feedback forms on their French and Chinese websites. Pleased with the performance and customer insights obtained via Mopinion’s software, Decathlon is now in the process of rolling out Mopinion software on webshops in twenty-one additional countries!
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  7. Most retail marketers would argue that the secret to effective sales is creating an outstanding customer experience. From investing in UX design and customer relationship management software to training customer service staff, frontline marketers know that every consumer touch point is critical to creating a compelling brand experience.

    Nonetheless, all too many retailers overlook one critical feature that affects all of these touch points: comprehensive, digestible product information.
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  8. If you start counting the most competitive industry in these days than probably retail top the list. Incremental use of technologies has made this domain more tech-savvy and sophisticated. Especially, enterprise mobility solutions for retail has transformed the way industry operates. It has unveiled new direction for retailers to interact with customers, suppliers, internal staff, and partners.

    To be the first choice for customers, it is imperative to deliver a meaningful customer experience. Optimize customer engagement by delivering interactive and seamless user experience on different mobile devices.

    Here’re a few touchpoints that end up you by winning the customer loyalty, establishing lasting relations with them and generating repetitive business.
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  9. An increasing focus on customer experience and new technologies will transform the retail industry and the way consumers shop in the future as retailers spend more time and effort to increase customer dwell time within stores.
    Advances in smart device technology have allowed consumers to literally buy what they see: anywhere and at any time. Simple, real–time image capture analysis makes everything ‘shoppable’ from any source.
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  10. Many retailers experienced positive sales growth in 2017, due largely to strong holiday shopping and improved customer confidence. With first quarter strategies already in full cycle, retailers have turned their attention to solutions rather than resolutions to improving the customer’s experience. Here are five pillars of customer experience that retailers are embracing:
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Mopinion: The Leading Customer Experience Tool

Mopinion is a proud sponsor of Customer Experience News. The voice of the online customer is taking on an increasingly important role when it comes to improving websites and apps. So web analysts and digital marketeers are making more and more use of Customer Experience Tools in order to collect experience for the customer. Mopinion takes it one step further and offers a solution to analyse and visualise Customer Experience results from your websites and apps wherever you need them. The real challenge for companies is not about capturing Experience, it is about how to make sense of the data.