Tags: retail*

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  1. The big challenge in retail: Customer requests for support tend to surge dramatically over the holidays, in-store or online. At the same time, shoppers are ever more conscious of a retailer’s overall customer experience. Omnichannel customer service is a must. Customers have increasing service expectations for the channel of their preference, not to mention the benefits of a seamless customer experience both in-store and digitally. What’s more, ticket surge will vary by channel. A seamless experience for the customer is increasingly linked to omnichannel retailing.
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  2. In an ever-more-personalised retail world, where shopper loyalty is driven by the overall shopping journey, businesses big and small need to invest in a holistic customer experience strategy to keep up with customers’ interest. So what key elements should retailers consider when building a sensorial experience?
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  3. Most retailers are looking for ways to improve the consumer experience with their brand, but few are equipped to apply one of the most obvious and powerful approaches available, which is personalisation,...
    Tags: , , by eringilliam (2018-02-07)
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  4. While augmented reality (AR) has been around in the technological domain for quite some time, with the launch of the popular game ‘Pokemon Go’, it was quick to catch limelight among laymen. Recently, many technology giants have been steaming ahead on capitalizing AR onto their future-facing products and experiences. Apple’s acquisition of Metaio, an AR start-up; Google’s 500 million dollars investment in AR company Magic Leap and Microsoft HoloLens’ evolution are only some of the many examples that give a peek into the broad horizon of AR and VR, and how they are soon becoming a part of reality.
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  5. Retail at times feels like it has a monopoly on press mentions for being in a state of flux and turmoil — and there's good reason for that. Yet the issues facing the retail space aren't contained there. The larger implications move across industries and they're driven mainly by the customer. We marketers often forget that customers aren't siloed; a retail shopper also stays at hotels, books airline travel, signs up for credit cards and much more.

    Retailers, hotels, airlines, banks and grocers are trying to better align and overcome the challenges of providing service at scale. Here's how this can be accomplished.
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  6. For retailers, big data can be a game-changer. It can help you understand what customers really want, a critical success factor in today’s increasingly tough trading environment. The depth and intimacy of understanding consumers on this scale is new and powerful. Although mass information like this is hard to handle, if harnessed with the right tools and processes, retailers can interact and answer customers in a way that is superior to their competitors.
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  7. RetailTechNews’ weekly roundup brings you up-to-date research findings from around the world. In this week’s edition: Technology key focus for retail customer experience improvements; Consumers are embracing the connected retail experience; and are consumers ready to go cashless?
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  8. The retail landscape has significantly changed due to the digitisation of shopping and shift in consumer buying behaviour. Consumers today have low attention spans, shop mobile first, use peer recommendations and conduct research before making a purchase.
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  9. Oracle’s Antony Welfare explains why customer experience offers retailers the biggest competitive advantage.

    Your customers have unprecedented power, information and choice at their fingertips. As a result, their expectations are higher than ever.

    These modern customers – many of them millennials with a mobile phone moulded to their hand – expect the same retail experience, regardless of where their interaction takes place. Whether it’s online, in store, on your mobile app or socially.
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  10. In looking back at 2017 in retail customer experience, there were lots of big headlines, a big wave of emerging technologies and a long list of strategies in play as retailers strive to enhance and advance the customer experience.

    As the new year arrives, it's a great time to look ahead at what's to come from those in the trenches. Retail customer experience gurus, leaders and experts shared their insight with Retail Customer Experience via email as 2017 ebbed to a close.
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