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  1. Brexit is getting closer and with negotiations still in progress, all of us digital marketers are out there watching and waiting with bated breath…
    In times of uncertainty or turmoil, markets have the capability of evolving much faster than most digital marketers can adapt. This gap between how you see the market and the reality of what’s happening in the market will become a major hurdle in the coming years for many marketers. In fact, experts are even calling Brexit a wake up call for everyone in the digital marketing industry. So the question is, is your digital team ready to re-strategise when push comes to shove?
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  2. As companies define their target maturity state and compliance road map, there is a tremendous opportunity for putting forth their brand as one that customers can trust. Come 25 May, the real beneficiaries will be companies that put customer experience at the forefront of their delivery plan and revisit data processing activities that are likely to cause most detriment to customers.

    GDPR offers many avenues for companies to enhance customer experience and the core of customer centricity can be summarised into three facets, as below.
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  3. If you’re not already well on your way to GDPR compliance, it’s unlikely you’ll be fully compliant by May 25. But, according to the statistics reported in our first article, you’ll be far from the only one.

    While it’s impossible to know how such wide-scale noncompliance will be addressed, there will likely be a grace period in which organizations that can demonstrate they’re making a good-faith effort will get by with a warning and perhaps some guidance on how to accelerate their efforts.
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  4. This article guides you through the basics of GDPR (e.g. what it is and who will be affected), the most critical changes to be aware of in terms of digital feedback collection, why it’s important to comply with these regulations, the consequences if you choose not to and what we’re doing here at Mopinion to get ourselves and our clients ready for the new legislation.
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  5. With the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) going into effect this May, companies are scrambling to make any remaining changes needed to meet its guidelines. The regulation, which aims to strengthen and unify data protection regulation within the EU, gives customers control over their personal data and applies to any company that holds or processes personal data of individuals residing within the EU. Failure to comply with GDPR could cost companies up to €20M or 4 percent of annual global turnover.

    To avoid steep GDPR fines, many companies are installing new processes and technologies with the hope that such tools will help them revamp the way they handle customer data. In fact, recent research shows that organizations are allocating millions of dollars on technology for GDPR. Still, confusion remains regarding which technologies to implement to ensure compliance, and many companies view the looming regulation deadline purely as a cost avoidance problem.
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  6. There is an uncomfortable and usually unspoken tension in the age of digital marketing: when we talk about “delivering a superior customer experience,” it's defined by the marketer, relative to business outcomes, not by the consumer, relative to their preferences.

    Put another way, improvements to customer experience (CX) are measured by business metrics, not by consumer happiness. Yes, there’s a relationship between them, but at the end of the day, if conversions drop on the website, for example, that web experience will be revised.
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  7. Like an imminent hanging, the looming execution of the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) has concentrated business leaders’ minds on their customer data. This has been a boon for Customer Data Platform vendors, who have been able to offer their systems as solutions to many GDPR requirements. But it raises some issues as well.
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  8. With only months remaining before the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) comes into effect, it is dominating the news agenda and is a top priority for businesses. From retailers to charities and the manufacturing industry to financial services, the impact of GDPR will affect every organisation that handles customer data and will be far reaching. Indeed, it has the scope to change the face of marketing completely.
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  9. Everything is connected, every surface area is primed for data-capturing IoT, and life is mostly conducted from our phones. Even reality itself is becoming trickier to pin down, whether augmented, virtual or actual.

    With 2018 nigh, we should expect more of the same. Like a good and/or bad sequel, the stakes will be higher, the budgets bigger and the gadgets flashier. For some, it will be a bumpy ride. For others, unprecedented tech-enabled success awaits. For all of us, it will be anything but boring. Strap yourselves in, things are about to get interesting (again).
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  10. Thanks to the rise of digital channels, brands now possess large amounts of personal data on their customers. Often this is used to provide a better, more personalized service that better meets consumer needs. However, protecting this sensitive information is obviously vital if brands are to build consumer trust, meet regulatory requirements, protect their brand and retain customers. As cases such as the recent hack at Equifax demonstrate, security breaches are extremely costly to reputation, stock price and in legal terms.
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Mopinion: The Leading Customer Experience Tool

Mopinion is a proud sponsor of Customer Experience News. The voice of the online customer is taking on an increasingly important role when it comes to improving websites and apps. So web analysts and digital marketeers are making more and more use of Customer Experience Tools in order to collect experience for the customer. Mopinion takes it one step further and offers a solution to analyse and visualise Customer Experience results from your websites and apps wherever you need them. The real challenge for companies is not about capturing Experience, it is about how to make sense of the data.