Uniting the leadership team in the purpose of delivering one-company experiences and connecting it to business growth occurs with my clients when we can simplify the “why” behind this work in a manner that they can stand behind and communicate as their own.
In the much-cited book Thinking, Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman he talks about how the brain works to create two selves, the experiencing self and the remembering self. The experience self is one that lives in the present whilst the remembering self is “the one that keeps score, that maintains the story of our life”. Based on our memory of an experience and our life it is a different entity to the experiencing self.
B2B companies know that it is harder than ever to influence customer experience (CX) in the digital age. An influx of channels, easy access to information and influencers, and an increasing desire for personalised, consumer-like experiences has blurred traditional purchasing paths and empowered B2B customers to independently make buying decisions before engaging with company representatives.
Part four of a new series from Smith+Co exploring business value, communication and empathy. Part one: Lessons on brand values from sinners and saints. Part two: How to adopt a value-led approach to handling a brand crisis. Part three: How leading brands build empathy into their CX - and how you can too.
What separates those brands that deliver great customer experience from the rest? What qualities are consistently present and what can we learn from them?
Emotions are a huge part of the customer experience. Emotions drive or destroy value for a business, and often in hidden ways. Emotions influence our desire to buy or not to buy, what we choose from a company’s offerings, what we remember and share about the experience, and, perhaps most importantly, whether we will be loyal to a brand.
This week I gave a keynote at the Customer Experience Professional Association (CXPA) Insight Exchange in New Orleans. As alway, it was a great event; there’s almost nothing better than a group of enthusiastic CX professionals! We’ve come a long way since we had the first CXPA event at Fenway Park in 2011.
If you work in customer service, chances are you know the signs of a complaining customer.
You might recognize them by their pointed tones, their defensive, often raised voices (over email or live chat, this may present itself as all caps writing), and their creative use of insults. You may recognize the way they hold up the line at checkout, the way they demand to speak to management, or the way a look of disbelief plants itself on their faces when they hear that what they are asking for simply cannot be done.
Nobody likes a complaining customer, yet it’s something that every organization has to deal with. What businesses are increasingly realizing, however, is that despite their bad rap, complaining customers are a lot more than just a stitch in your side – they are something that every company can and should learn from.
Here are the top 7 reasons why complaining customers are your best customers, and what you can do to turn dreaded customer complaints into golden opportunities.
Once upon a time, brands purchased advertisements which effectively influenced prospective buyers. In those days, consumers were at the mercy of advertising claims made across traditional outlets (e.g., network television, radio, newspapers, and magazines).
When it comes to marketing technology, 2017 was a year defined by big data. For both marketers and retailers, the most influential technologies available were those that used customer – and even employee – data to improve experiences and make marketing smarter, more streamlined, and ultimately a more profitable venture.