When consumers think of exceptional customer experience, two things come to mind: quick resolution and personalized services. In the B2B realm, the same priorities ring true. No matter who your customers are, buyers of all shapes and sizes have the same general customer service wish list. They want products and services to function as advertised, and expedient resolution of issues. But, a key difference is that what might be an inconvenience for a consumer, could have catastrophic consequences for an enterprise. If the Wi-Fi is out when you want to stream Netflix, that’s frustrating. If systems management software shuts down, that could bring an entire business to a grinding halt.
We’ve all had that customer-service moment where we’re stuck in an automated loop of chaos, and all we want is to connect with a real (and if it’s not asking too much, empathetic) human being to answer our question. The problem with engaging a digital brand or startup is that, oftentimes, customers don’t know who—or what—they are talking to.
It was just a tiny light, but it made all the difference.
How many times have you woken up in a hotel room and not known where you were? It’s a common occurrence, especially for frequent travelers. You’re not in your own bed or on your own pillow; the room isn’t familiar and you’re not even sure where the door is. It’s very dark.
During two recent hotel stays, I observed two different solutions to this customer pain point that were so simple, I wondered why no one else was doing it.
To provide great CX reliably and efficiently, companies must master the six competencies of customer experience management (CXM): research, prioritization, design, enablement, measurement, and culture. Unfortunately, common misconceptions can cause even the most experienced CX professionals to stumble along the path to CXM maturity. In our new report, Avoid These 14 CX Misconceptions, my colleagues and I detail the most common misunderstandings and explain how CX professionals can get back on track.
In this month’s conversation with Johannesburg-based author Mark Eardley, we discuss why differentiation seriously matters and how customer centricity (what Forrester calls customer obsession) plays a key role in getting your firm to stand out from the crowd. It’s about differentiating based on your customer experience — making CX one of the key things that distinguishes you as an organization.
We’ve seen it many times. You understand the need to listen to customers. You want to apply their feedback to your organization. You launch your CX programme. Results start coming in. But then it happens. Your channel partners dispute some of the results. ‘That customer didn’t really mean to say that’ or ‘You’re asking the customer to evaluate an experience that didn’t happen.’ What is a CX Executive to do?
Embed Core Values into the Customer Experience
Core Values are the fundamental beliefs of a person or organization.
Core Values serve as the guiding light for how everyone in your company interacts, communicates and works with each other, external customers, and the community. The core values are the solid foundational building blocks on which your culture is built. They are your company’s principles, beliefs, or philosophy of values.
ah, the wonders of having been there, done that, and having the t-shirt…. i actually have tons of t-shirts.
i have not only done many things early, that’s what comes with being an analyst for 20 years – the wonderful challenge of working with early adopters guiding them to achieve the visions we concoct, but i have also taken the time to write down summaries of what it means to do what we just did. i find the value of my job to be to broaden the market, to make a bigger pie. bigger pies feed more people, and to make bigger pies you need a good recipe.
The world comes at us at 150+ miles an hour, every day. Each new moment thrusts upon us decision points, which shape our next steps. As we barrel through this speedway of change called life, there are key pillars of support that drive our achievement. Sometimes the best way to ‘speed up’ and reach our goals is to ‘slow down’ and re-focus on how we get there together, as a CX immersed team.
A successful customer experience strategy is a result of the company’s culture. In other words, and I’ve said it many times before, what’s happening on the inside of the company is going to felt on the outside of the company by the customer.