Being mobile centric, offering alternative payment options such as the ability to pay later and enabling one-click repeat purchase are all key to winning over online Christmas shoppers.
So says new research by payments provider Klarna, which harvests the views of more than 2,000 consumers to reveal that shoppers are so stressed out in the extended run up to Christmas that they’re overwhelmed when the day itself arrives.
Starting today, General Motors will let you buy coffee, order take-out food or make dinner reservations with the tap of your car's touchscreen.
The service, called Marketplace, links drivers to popular vendors including Starbucks Corp., Dunkin’ Donuts Inc. and Applebee's. Using your established digital relationship with those brands, along with data collected from your car such as location or time of day, it can offer highly personalized experiences.
Technology, now more than ever, is finding a place in our everyday lives. Retail businesses have taken notice of technology’s value and are using it to improve the customer experience.
We all want to design products, services, and experiences that are relatively simple and intuitive to use. That makes sense: an easier-to-use and onboard product, services is going to have a much stronger user base. A stronger user base translates to revenue. Some have even said the “race for simplicity” in experience design is valued at $86B. You want a piece of that pie.
But how do you know if your product-services and Customer Experience are too complex?
If they want to evolve in the digital era, businesses need to create personalized experiences for customers and adopt a culture that focuses on the intended use of technology.
The journey to effective CX implementation can be tough. That’s because great customer experience isn’t about just fixing an issue, but about rethinking it and often creating something completely different. That requires a transformation of how the business approaches CX: its processes, technology, employee mindset, and behavior.
In our experience, companies that have trouble with their CX transformation programs commit the following “seven deadly sins.”