Digital has completely upended the marketing and advertising world, fundamentally changing the industry as we know it. Now it’s less about campaign-building and more about the convergence of marketing and technology to guide digital transformation.
As consumers search from more places than ever before, it's vital that marketers deliver experiences that perform. Contributor Jim Yu shares tips on how to deliver a great experience at every search touch point.
The fight for customer loyalty is fierce these days and with the ever increasing focus, many brands are taking a closer look at how they can compete to win the heart-share, mind-share, and of course, “purse-share” of their audiences. As they focus on elevating their customer experiences and finding their advantages in an ever more competitive marketplace, several businesses look to data—such as customer feedback—to help them in the battle of customer attraction, retention, and recommendation.
Exciting things are happening within your company and you want your customers and prospects to know about it! Whether it’s sharing new product updates, announcing new customers or sharing your latest blog posts, newsletters are a great way of keeping a wider audience in the loop with your business’ latest developments. And if done the right way, email newsletters can serve as a critical digital marketing asset. But how do you know if the content, design and overall message you’re sending out in your newsletters is ‘right way’? Well you can’t really know unless you’re using feedback surveys in your email newsletters…
Microsoft principal founder Bill Gates once said, “If your business is not on the internet, then your business will be out of business.” That statement certainly made a lot of sense when the famous philanthropist and business magnate utter those words in the 90s. However, today, being on the internet is not enough to ensure the survival of your business.
The digital age has brought with it a horde of data. And coming from various sources and in large quantities, the availability of this data has created many new and insightful opportunities for digital marketers. Modern digital marketers are using data in a myriad of ways, such as gauging success (with Key Performance Indicators, or KPIs), driving improvement (e.g. campaign effectiveness or website usability) and boosting lead generation. However, this heavy reliance on intelligent marketing data necessitates an analysis solution, which comes in the form of dashboarding software.
As the final frontier in Star Trek, customer experience (CX) remains the ultimate lead to transformation that will propel us into the galaxy.
Corporate leaders expect chief marketing officers to have primary responsibility for growth strategies and revenue generation. CMOs need to find new routes to drive revenue. With various trends and outlined predictions for growth, one common thread is data. Data is now at the heart of customer experience, and companies are embracing advanced technology that helps them use data better.
Leading brands know that running a successful business is more than selling and making a profit; long-term success is defined by a brand’s ability to form a lasting connection with its customers. In addition, customers are increasingly looking to humanize the brands they do business with.
While blogs, newsletters, and traditional social media have been reliable tools for connecting with customers in the past, the prevalence and popularity of these tactics mean that brand leaders need to think one step ahead if they want to continue creating unique and personal customer experiences.
Looking for some inspiration for creating meaningful connections online? Here are 5 innovative ways to connect with customers digitally...