Customer experience silos are kryptonite, weakening your super-friendly staff, touch-points and designs. Smooth customer experiences require silo-solving across the customer journey. If your company wants to become a customer experience super-power, standing out in your industry and reaping those financial advantages, silo-solving must be predominant in your customer experience strategy.
What more could you wish for than 288% higher lifetime value of your key accounts? That’s really the goal of customer experience management, whereas recommendations, high survey scores, repeat purchases, and so forth are all means to this end. It’s all about longer, more profitable relationships between your company and your customers.
Do you ever feel like you're in "survival mode," running from one crisis to another, just trying to get through the day? The moment you stomp out one fire, the sparks start flying in five other directions. Or, you look at your to-do list at the end of the day, and realize that it's not just that you didn't spend your time coaching your team or any of your other big priorities; your list for tomorrow is also filled with distractions that won't do anything to help your team accomplish what matters most.
A survival mode culture is one of the fastest way to destroy the experience for your customers as well as your employees.