The following is the case: more than a year ago I landed in the exceptional domain of Digital Customer Feedback (specifically: feedback from websites and apps), after being active for almost 20 years in what I would best describe as Non-digital Customer Feedback (in particular Customer Research as a result of contact via e-mail and phone).
And if you paid close enough attention, it turns out there is quite a bit to be learned from “The Donald”. In this blog, we will identify four things digital marketers can learn from Donald Trump about Digital Customer Feedback.
Startup Milestones, founded by Florian Kandler, is a podcast that puts the spotlight on European startup companies, whereby founders can share their stories, struggles and successes along the way.
I left you all with the question: will Digital Customer Feedback take a step forward? I had my doubts, but thanks to our latest Benchmark survey, we now have some solid insights.