Welcome to the July edition of Mopinion’s Employee in the Spotlight! This blog series gives readers an inside look at who we are and how our employees contribute to our company culture. Last month we shined the light on our brand new Customer Success Manager Saskia Clappers. Fairly new to the team, she had a lot of interesting insights and things to share about her experience thus far at Mopinion. So this month, we’ve decided to hop on over to another department and highlight a special member from our Sales team, Kevin Drinkwaard. Here’s his story…
Ready for this month’s Employee in the Spotlight? Last month we introduced you to one of our content marketers, Mi-choe Emanuelson. This month, however, we’re switching gears and want to focus on a rather new member of the team, our Customer Success Manager Saskia Clappers. Normally we would be sitting down face-to-face with a cup of coffee for this interview, but seeing as how that wasn’t possible due to the circumstances, we had to get creative and set up a virtual interview with Google Hangouts… Don’t worry though, there was still coffee involved!
It’s time for our September Employee in the Spotlight! Last month we interviewed one of our newest colleagues Haris from the development team. This month, we’re switching gears and would like to introduce you to our Office Manager, Tessa Goudswaard.
Ask a few friends or colleagues what brands they admire and why. They may mention brands with innovative products or a cool visual vibe, but dig deeper and they’ll likely tell you how a brand makes them feel -- maybe about an inspiring video on Facebook, an app that makes life easier or a pain-free return process. What they’re describing is the experience the brand delivers to customers. And customer experience (CX) is where great brands stand apart, where disruptive brands disrupt and where industry leaders leave the competition behind.